Saturday, March 30, 2013

What Is The Impact of Minerals Deficiency in the Body?

If the body has a mineral deficiency, then the body will not be able to build body tissues, muscles are unable to contract, becomes impaired nerve function, blood clotting, body pH is not stable, your body can not get energy from food due to disruption of metabolic processes.

Not many people know the function of minerals and mineral deficiency diseases. In fact one of the minerals that are vital substances needed by the body to grow and develop. The body is a complex organism that has never stopped working. Therefore, our body needs energy in order to continue to function optimally. But the vital components needed by the body, is not produced naturally, but must be consumed in the daily diet. To speed up the metabolism to be healthy, it needs a balanced intake of minerals.

Calcium deficiency can cause rickets in children, meanwhile, calcium deficiency in adults, causing oesteomalasia (sort of rickets), tetany or convulsions also osteoporosis. In pregnant women and lactating mothers or elderly will lead to brittle bones. Men and women need each of 800 and 700 mg of calcium each day.

Phosphorus deficiency is rare, but if there be cause bone and muscle weakness and cramps, nausea arises, irregular heartbeat, bone pain, and anorexia. Magnesium intake recommendation for men are 230 mg and 200 mg for women. 

Although rarely afflict adults, most likely copper deficiency can cause a type of anemia, bone abnormalities, lung, and other tissues. Copper contained in meat, seafood, whole grains, and nuts. If the intake is less than 2 to 3 mg, it will cause some problems.

Selenium deficiency can lead to rickets disease, cancer and heart disease.

Iodine is required in small amounts, but very important role for the formation of hormones tirokein. For the elderly, the adequacy of iodine is not different from adults, which is 150 milligrams per day. The best source of iodine is iodized salt dopur, sea fish, food from the sea, and the plants grown in daerab near the sea. Iodine deficiency during pregnancy can cause a baby to be born into cretins (small and midget). Lack of iodine can cause less severe mental, children grow up to be an idiot and imbecile. Iodine deficiency in adults can cause thyroid disease.
Health Fame Nutrition

10 Healthy & Low Cholesterol Foods

High levels of cholesterol a person has often become a trigger of health problems, and a variety of methods are used to lower the cholesterol levels. Many people choose to use chemical based drugs to lower cholesterol, but of course any chemicals certainly have side effects. Another option is to reduce levels of cholesterol in a natural way. Saturated fats are usually found in animal products, such as, meat, milk, cream, butter, and cheese. There is also a saturated fat comes from nabatimisalnya coconut milk, coconut oil, and vegetable fat. Below are low cholesterol foods that you should consume.

1. Soybeans
Soybeans and derivatives, aka soy that has been processed as a know, tempeh, soy milk, and soy flour contain isoflavones, which are substances that can reduce LDL. But remember, though delicious, tofu and tempeh can not effectively lower cholesterol when treated carelessly. For example, fried in cooking oil or mixed with coconut milk. Because, coconut milk and cooking oil are sources of saturated fat.

2. Nuts
Nuts are a source of soluble fiber which is very high. Consuming soluble fiber can reduce cholesterol. Consume nuts such as chickpeas, red beans, yardlong beans regularly for six weeks can reduce cholesterol levels by 10 percent.

3. Salmon
Salmon very good consumed because they contain Omega-3 acids can help reduce LDL and increase HDL and trigiserilda. Salmon contains EPA and DHA are good for heart health. The American Heart Association recommends at least two servings per week to get the maximum benefit. Besides salmon, tuna, trout, sardines, mackerel, and herring are also good.

4. Avocado
Avocado is a source of unsaturated fats that can increase HDL levels. Unfortunately, avocados are high in calories, so it must be combined with vegetables that can reduce calories. A medium-sized avocado contains 300 calories and 30 grams of saturated fat, while normal human body needs is 1,800 calories and 30 grams of saturated fat per day.

5. Garlic
Since thousands of years ago, garlic was believed to contain many substances that are good for human health. Ancient Egyptians used garlic to increase stamina. At present, garlic is used to lower cholesterol, prevent blood clots, lower blood pressure and protect the body from infection. The results of recent studies showed that garlic can prevent cholesterol particles stuck to the walls of blood vessels.

6. Spinach
Spinach contains lots of lutein. Lutein is an important substance that can maintain the health and sharpness of eye function. Lutein can also maintain heart health because it can prevent the fat in the blood vessels. It is advisable, to eat spinach every day about half a bowl for maximum results.

7. Margarine
Several types of margarine can lower cholesterol levels. For example margarine from canola flower seed oil.

8. Cashew, Almonds and Walnuts
Monounsaturated fats, on the sophistication cashews, almonds, and walnuts are low-fat foods that are good for heart health. Nuts also contain vitamin E, magnesium, and phytochemicals are closely associated with heart health. Unfortunately, like avocados, nuts are very high in protein. So, do not eat too many beans in order to get maximum benefits.

Tea contains antioxidants that can make blood vessels relax so avoid blood clotting. Antioxidants in tea are flavonoids can prevent LDL oxidation that lead accumulates in blood vessels. Enjoy a glass of tea every day could meet the needs of antioxidants.

10. Chocolates
chocolates healthy because it contains a lot of antioxidants and flavonoids. White chocolate, it does not contain any substances that are consumed less healthy. Flavanoid content of chocolate varies depending on where chocolate is grown and processing.

Health Fame Healthy Foods
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Health Benefits of Fennel & Nutrition Facts

Apparently fennel is not only one of the herbs that used as a spice in cooking, but also has many health benefits. Because fennel contain nutrition such as minerals, vitamins, sodium and potassium. Fennel is one of nine medicinal plants are considered to have miracles in Anglo-Saxon. Plants that have a scientific name Foeniculum vulgare can live from lowlands to an altitude of 1800 m above sea level, but it will grow better in the highlands. Fennel originated from southern Europe and Asia, and then spread throughout the world.

Fennel contains essential oils, so it has an aromatic smell. Fennel plant fruit has a spicy, sweet, and warm in the throat. Fennel plant part used is fruit. Fennel also contains anethole, essential oils, anisaldehid, limonene, fatty acids, felandren and anisat acid. Benefits of Fennel, was launched flatulence, warm the body, stimulate the digestive organs, kidney stone crushing, appetite enhancer, helps remove phlegm, insomnia, cough with phlegm, and irregular menstruation. Below you can read health benefits of fennel.

Health benefits of fennel

Substances contained in fennel fruits can help stimulate the digestive organs work, helped launch a fart, it can keep warm, and thin phlegm, destroy kidney stones, helps improve appetite, insomnia, and launch coming months.

Fennel nutrition facts

Fennel bulb Nutrient value per 100 g
(Source: USDA National Nutrient data base)
Energy : 31 Kcal 
Carbohydrates : 7.30 g 
 Protein : 1.24 g 
 Total Fat : 0.20 g 
 Dietary Fiber : 3.1 g 
 Water : 90.21 g 
 Total sugar : 3.93 g 

 Folates : 0 µg 
 Niacin : 0 mg 
 Riboflavin : 0 mg 
 Thiamin : 0 mg 
 Vitamin A : 0 IU 
 Pyridoxine : 0 mg 
 Vitamin C : 12. 0 mg
 Vitamin D : 0 IU 
Vitamin E : 0.09 mg 
 Vitamin K : 0.5 µg 

 Calcium : 49 mg 
 Iron : 0.73 mg 
 Magnesium : 17 mg 
 Phosphorus : 50 mg 
 Zinc : 0.20 mg 
 Sodium : 52 mg 
 Potassium : 414 mg 

 Saturated fatty acids : 0.090 g 
 Monounsaturated fatty acids : 0.068 g 
 Polyunsaturated fatty acids : 0.169 g 
 Cholesterol : 0
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

15 Turmeric Health Benefits & Negative Effects

Turmeric is a spice that has many health benefits, its also often used as a natural food coloring. Turmeric nutrition contain high minerals, vitamins and electrolytes compound such as potassium. All turmeric nutrition facts can be read at the bottom of the post.

Turmeric or in Latin is called Curcuma longa Linn. syn. Curcuma domestica Val. is one of the original spices and medicinal plants of Southeast Asia. Turmeric is often used as a spice in cooking a type of curry, and is also used to give a yellow color to the dish, or as a preservative. 

There are a number of pharmaceutical products made ​​from turmeric such as a cure for inflammatory arthritis (rheumatoid arthritis) or osteo-arthritis deklofenak made ​​active sodium, piroxicam, and phenyl butason with relatively high or dietary supplements (Vitamin-plus) in capsule form.

Turmeric health benefits

  1. Reduce risk of diabetes: Curcumin found in turmeric has health benefits to reduce insulin resistance, thus helping to control blood glucose levels and reduce the risk of diabetes.

  2. Anti cancer: Curcumin is an antioxidant that can help prevent damage and mutation of cells by free radicals. Curcumin also has the ability to inhibit the growth of cancer, especially breast cancer, cocoon (colon cancer), skin cancer, stomach cancer, and lung cancer.

  3. Reducing the Risk of Anemia: Anemia can be caused by iron deficiency. Turmeric is rich in iron minerals which are essential components in the formation of red blood cells.

  4. Reduce Risk of Atherosclerosis: Turmeric contain substance that can prevent the oxidation of LDL (bad cholesterol), preventing the buildup of cholesterol on artery walls that can lead to atherosclerosis.

  5. Antioxidants: Curcumin is an antioxidant ingredients. Antioxidants act to prevent cell damage and death caused by free radicals. Besides turmeric also contains other antioxidants, namely vitamin C.

  6. Boost immunity: Turmeric contains lipopolysaccharides which demonstrated the ability to stimulate and increase the activity of the immune system (immune system).

  7. Stimulates digestion: Curcumin stimulates the gallbladder to produce bile, which helps digestion and reduces bloating symptoms. However it must be noted that people who have gallbladder disease should not use turmeric as a dietary supplement because it can worsen the condition.

  8. Treating Uveitis (Inflammation of the uvea Eye): Curcumin may help treat uveitis (inflammation of the uvea eye). Curcumin showed ability as an effective corticosteroid in patients with uveitis.

  9. Treating IBS (Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome): Curcumin known to effectively help treat IBS (inflammatory bowel syndrome).

  10. Treating arthritis: Curcumin has anti-inflammatory (anti-inflammatory) to help treat arthritis. Turmeric extract is widely available as an arthritis drug in capsule form.

  11. Smooth skin: Powdered turmeric is widely used as an ingredient for the skin care. Turmeric is known to help heal skin health problems such as pimples, spots, and dry skin.

  12. Healthy hair: Turmeric extract is widely used as a hair growth stimulator. Turmeric extract can also be used as a dandruff remover.

  13. Reduce menstrual pain: Turmeric contains a substance that has antispasmodic properties (anti-seizure) and the nature of the analgesic (pain relief) which helps reduce pain due to menstruation.

  14. Helps heal wounds: Turmeric contains anti-septic and anti-bacterial ingredients that can be used as a disinfectant for wounds and burns regular.

  15. Reducing the Risk of Alzheimer's Disease: Inflammation in the brain is considered as one of the causes of Alzheimer's disease. Research shows that turmeric contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. Consuming turmeric can protect the brain from Alzheimer's disease.

Negative Effects Turmeric for Health

In addition to having many benefits, turmeric also have negative side effects on health. Here are some of the adverse effects of turmeric for health.
  • Cause problems in the gastric, eating turmeric in a fairly long period of time can cause gastric disorders. This happens because the causticity contained in turmeric.
  • Difficult absorbed: a substance contained in turmeric tends difficult not absorbed by the body so we can get the optimum benefits of turmeric.
  • The effect of chemotherapy: based on a study, turmeric has an effect on chemotherapy, so it's recommended for those who are undergoing chemotherapy should not consume turmeric in large numbers.

Turmeric Nutrition Facts

Turmeric nutritional value  per 100 g
Taken from USDA Nutrient database

Water : 12.85 g 
Energy : 312 Kcal 
Carbohydrates : 67.14 g 
Protein : 9.68 g 
Total Fat : 3.25 g 
Cholesterol : 0 mg 
Dietary Fiber 22.7 g 
Sugars, total : 3.21 g 

Folates : 20 µg 
Niacin : 1.350 mg 
Riboflavin : 0.150 mg 
Vitamin A : 0 IU 
Vitamin B6 : 0.107 mg 
Vitamin C : 0.7 mg 
Vitamin E : 4.43 mg 
Vitamin K : 13.4 mg 

Calcium : 168 mg 
Iron : 55 mg 
Magnesium : 208 mg 
Phosphorus : 299 mg 
Potassium : 2080 mg 
Sodium : 27 mg 
Zinc : 4.50 µg 

Saturated fatty acids : 1.838 g 
Monounsaturated fatty acids : 0.449 g 
Polyunsaturated fatty acids : 0.756 g
Fatty acids, total trans : 0.056
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Various Diseases That Caused By Vitamin C Deficiency

Vitamin C is a nutrient that is crucial to the body's function, it has many health benefits such as boosting immunity and prevent colds. Vitamin C deficiency can cause a variety of diseases and health problems. To meet the daily requirement of vitamin C (RDA) you can read the "Vitamin C foods" article.

The most common diseases caused by vitamin C deficiency is scabies that occurs because the body lacks collagen as a result of low levels of vitamin C. Researchers have also been studying the link between vitamin C deficiency with neurological problems and several diseases.

Vitamin C deficiency symptoms

Chronic lack of energy, weakness and depression
Lack of vitamin C can even affect bone strength. Low levels of vitamin C may also lead to drastic weight loss.

Bleeding gums, teeth, or gingivitis
This occurs because the body lacks the collagen necessary to build and maintain teeth and gum tissue. Vitamin C is needed by the body to synthesize collagen.

Changes in mood
People who have low levels of vitamin C, his mood is easy to change, easy emotion, and irritability.

Skin bruising
The skin is easily bruised and takes a long time to recover, it could be an indication of lack of vitamin C. Slow healing of minor wounds naturally by the body also showed that the levels of vitamin C in the body is inadequate.

Joint pain
Joint pain or chronic limb are signs that indicate that a deficiency of vitamin C.

Anemia is another sign of a possible lack of vitamin C. People who lack vitamin C is also easily fall sick because their immune system is weakened.

The impact of vitamin C deficiency

The decrease in wound healing
Vitamin C plays a role in the formation of collagen. Collagen is a strong fiber that is needed in every body. Collagen tissue is what helps the body in healing wounds. Since collagen is also present in the blood vessels.

Decrease ability against infection
The human immune system can also be decreased. As on article on vitamin C that has been made ​​before, where the lack of vitamin C can lower the immune system. So that the infection of the bacteria and viruses that enter the body can not be resisted.

Inflammation of the gums (gingivitis)
Typically, gingivitis starts from plaque buildup and become tartar. As a result of the use of dental floss cleaners, and tartar cause gums to bleed. In addition, the lack of vitamin C causes the gums to bleed easily, causing inflammation.

Damage to the heart network
The heart also becomes stronger with regular consumption of vitamin C. When vitamin C is reduced, then the arrangement of cells on blood vessel is damaged, the damage was eventually occur in the heart wall.

Internal bleeding (haemorhages)
The bleeding is usually on bleeding eyelids, eye retina, and allow it to lead to cataracts. When deficiency of vitamin C which are the blood vessels around the eyes can be hard to soften, causing internal bleeding.

Bones Become Less Stable
Lack of vitamin C can also lead to changes in the cartilage that supports normal bone. Although the actual calcium in bone formation are also able to be stable, but lack of vitamin C can affect diseases that attack the bone.

The Hidden Cloves Health Benefits

What is cross in your mind when heard cloves? Cigarettes, smoking maybe? For several chefs, cloves are one of their important ingredients. But the truth is, you can found quite unexpected cloves health benefits. The essential oil of clove has anesthetic and antimicrobial function. Clove oil is often used to eliminate bad breath and to relieve toothache. Substances contained in cloves called eugenol, used by dentists to soothe tooth nerve. Clove oil is also used in a mix of traditional Japanese to take care of their surfaces swords.

This is nutrition facts that can be found in cloves. The highest nutrient content are minerals such as Copper, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Phosphorus, Selenium and Zinc. Cloves also contain quite high vitamins such as folates, vitamin C and vitamin K. For detail cloves nutritional value you can read at the bottom of the post, now we will talk about the health benefits first.

Cloves health benefits

  1. Antibacterial and antifungal: Cloves can be a natural way to fight the bacteria that harm the stomach, and fight bacteria in the mouth. Addition, eugenol found in clove has been shown to contain anti-fungal, and are effective against skin diseases.
  2. Containing analgesics: Clove oil is often used to treat teeth, even experiments recently conducted prove clove contains analgesic. So if you have pain in the gums, no need to buy the drugs at the pharmacy, just use clove oil to relieve your pain.
  3. Digestion: Clove oil can increase metabolism by increasing blood circulation and reducing body temperature. That process ultimately improve bowel movement. People with digestive problems can consume 1-2 drops of clove oil, mixed with a glass of hot water. Remember, you can not eat in the long term. It even lead to liver damage or imbalance in the body fluids.
  4. Anti-Inflammatory: Flavonoids are found in clove oil contains anti-inflammatory that can help patients suffering from rheumatism. Furthermore cloves can also be used as an expectorant in treating respiratory disorders.
  5. Anti mosquito: Clove contains compound that hates by mosquitoes. Use cloves to prevent you from mosquito bites that cause malaria, dengue, and other diseases caused by mosquito bites.

Cloves nutrition facts

Cloves Nutritional Value per100 g
Based on USDA Nutrient data base

Energy : 274 Kcal 
Carbohydrates : 65.53 g 
Protein : 5.972 g 
Total Fat : 13 g 
Cholesterol : 0 mg 
Dietary Fiber : 33.9 g 
Total sugars : 2.38 g 
Water : 9.87 g 

Folates : 25 µg 
Niacin : 1.560 mg 
Riboflavin : 0.220 mg 
Thiamin : 0.158 mg 
Vitamin A : 160 IU 
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) : 0.391 mg 
Vitamin C : 0.2 mg 
Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) : 8.82 mg 
Vitamin K : 141.8 µg 

Calcium : 632 mg 
Iron : 11.83 mg 
Magnesium : 259 mg 
Potassium : 1020 mg 
Phosphorus : 104 mg 
Sodium : 277 mg 
Zinc : 2.32 mg 

Saturated fatty acids : 3.952 g 
Monounsaturated fatty acids : 1.393 g 
Polyunsaturated fatty acids : 3.606 g
Fatty acids, total trans : 0.254 g
Monday, March 25, 2013

Sunflower Seeds Nutrition & Health Benefits

Sunflower seeds are popular because its one of delicious and healthy snack, but there are only a little people that realize sunflower seeds nutrition has so many health benefits. Sunflower seeds are an excellent source of polyunsaturated oils that make them as a good food for heart health.

Almost 90% of the fat in sunflower seeds are good fats, unsaturated fats. Sunflower seeds that has latin name Helianthus annuus contain monosaturated fats that help lower total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) and increase HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol). In addition, sunflower seeds contains Vitamin E and Vitamin B 1 (Thiamin). Manganese, magnesium, copper, selenium, phosphorus, vitamin B 3 (Niacin), Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic) and folate can also be found in good quantities in sunflower seeds. Below you can read sunflower seeds nutrition facts table.

Sunflower seeds nutrition facts

Sunflower kernel seeds (dried)
Nutritional value per 100 g
Source: USDA Nutrient data base 

Energy : 584 Kcal 
Carbohydrates : 20 g 
Protein : 20.78 g 
Total Lipid (Fat) : 14.66 g 
Dietary Fiber : 8.6 g 
Water : 4.73 g 
Total sugar : 2.62 g 

Folates : 227 µg 
Niacin : 8.335 mg 
Riboflavin : 0.355 mg 
Thiamin : 1.480 mg 
Vitamin A : 50 IU 
Pyridoxine : 1.345 mg 
Vitamin C : 1.4 mg 
Vitamin D : 0 IU 
Vitamin E : 35.17 mg 
Vitamin K : 0 µg 

Calcium : 78 mg 
Iron : 5.25 mg 
Magnesium : 325 mg 
Phosphorus : 660 mg 
Zinc : 5 mg 
Sodium : 9 mg 
Potassium : 645 mg 

Saturated fatty acids : 4.455 g 
Monounsaturated fatty acids : 18.528 g 
Polyunsaturated fatty acids : 23.137 g 

10 Sunflower seeds health benefits

  1. Prevent Cancer: Sunflower seeds are a source of selenium, studies show a strong correlation between low selenium intake and cancer incidence. Selenium is also shown to induce in DNA repair and synthesis in damaged cells, to inhibit cancer cell proliferation, and to induce their apoptosis.

  2. As an anti-inflammatory: Sunflower seeds are a source of vitamin E as an antioxidant. Vitamin E runs through the body neutralizing free radicals that would otherwise be damaging fat-containing structures and molecules, such as cell membranes, brain cells, and cholesterol. Vitamin E has anti-inflammatory effects that result in a reduction in asthma symptoms, osteoarthristis, as well as rheumatoid arthritis.

  3. Maintain Healthy Cardiovascular (Heart and Blood Vessels): Sunflower seeds are rich in vitamin E, which plays an important role in preventing cardiovascular disease. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that helps prevent the oxidation of cholesterol by free radicals. If cholesterol is oxidized by free radicals then cholesterol will stick to blood vessel walls and cause atherosclerosis (clogged arteries by cholesterol plaque) that can lead to clogged arteries, heart disease and stroke.

  4. Assisting Growth: Sunflower seeds are a good source of protein. Protein is required by the body to build muscle so it is good untu consumed by children aged growth. 100 grams of sunflower seeds contain about 21 grams of protein (37% recommended daily protein intake).

  5. Reduce Risk of Diabetes: Sunflower seeds contains chlorogenic acid that helps reduce blood glucose levels by limiting the breakdown of glycogen in the liver.

  6. Protecting Nerve: Vitamin B1 strengthen the myelin coating of nerve function nerve menlindungi. Lack of vitamin B1 can cause damage to the myelin coating of nerve and disrupt nerve function.

  7. Healthy Brain: Sunflower seeds contain folate which is an important nutrient for the brain, so the brain and helps maintain healthy brain function.

  8. Maintaining Bone Health: Sunflower seeds are rich in minerals magnesium and phosphorus needed to build strong bones and healthy.

  9. Maintaining Healthy Skin: Vitamin E is contained in sunflower seeds is also very beneficial for maintaining healthy skin. Vitamin E is known to prevent skin cell damage due to ultraviolet rays.

  10. Nourish Hair: Every 100 grams of sunflower seeds contains 5.25 mg of iron (63% of daily needs) and 5 mg of zinc (45% of daily needs). Both minerals are very important for maintaining fertility hair.

Coconut Water Benefits & Fallacy That You Must Know

Drinking coconut water in the heat of the sun is very refreshing, especially if you know the benefits of coconut water for our health. But don't be mistaken, because there are several fallacy around coconut water benefits that circulated among public. Although we can not deny that coconut water contains a number of nutrients needed by our bodies, such as folate, magnesium, vitamin C, and so on (read at coconut water nutrition).

Some misperceptions about coconut water circulating in the community such as, coconut water is believed to lose weight, boost immunity, prevent kidney stones, and so forth. In this post, health fame will give some facts from various sources of error. But, we will discuss the benefits first.

Coconut water benefits

Rich in potassium
In coconut water contained amino acids and vitamins, coconut water also contains phytochemical components such as tannins. Tannins are antibacterial which will inhibit the growth of bacteria. The highest content of minerals from coconut water is potassium, as much as 730 mg per 100 grams of coconut water, which is quite a lot of magnesium, and chloride, while sodium amount is very small. The composition ratio of drinks with a high potassium to sodium is very beneficial for health.

Nutritional composition near isotonic fluid, which corresponds to the body fluids. Isotonic drinks to replace minerals lost through sweating body during exercise or other activities. Only, those who actively exercise need to be careful about the use of coconut water as an electrolyte drink.

Replacing lost ions
Coconut water can be considered as isotonic water because of ions contain that able to replace lost ions especially in the case of dehydration. In coconut water contains ions needed by the body such as Na +, and others. Therefore, to help meet the needs of ion body, you can take advantage of coconut water.

Maintain the electrolyte balance
Coconut water is an isotonic fluid, so it can replace the minerals and electrolytes lost along with body fluids. Even the world food organization or the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) has been researching and trying to patent the coconut water as an isotonic beverage.

Not many studies that prove this, but some experts believe coconut water potent viruses and other microorganisms get rid of pathogens (disease-causing). The content of monolaurin in it is believed to eradicate potent flu virus and herpes.

Coconut water benefits fallacy

Above are only a little health benefits of coconut water, now we will talk about miss perception about it.

Boost the immune system
There is no scientific literature that proves that coconut water makes the immune system becomes better and also help the body fight some viruses that cause disease. Immune system in the body is a very complex system. The only way to boost the immune system is a nutrient derived from a variety of foods. That could give complete nutritional support is through the intake of foods with balanced nutrition.

Helps lose weight
It is often misunderstood by most people. Excessive drinking coconut water can actually cause diarrhea. It seems-after weight loss. However, this is not the right and healthy way to get the ideal body weight. Instead, coconut water can be used as a stimulant for those who constipation because it can help smooth the digestive tract.

More nutritious than whole milk
This is not true. Compared with coconut water, milk (either full cream or not) are rich in protein, fat, carbohydrates, and sugar. In addition, milk also contains a variety of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin B complex, vitamin D, calcium, potassium, sodium, and magnesium. While coconut water contains only a few minerals only.

Cure kidney stones
The first thing that can be done to prevent the formation of kidney stones is enough water or fluid intake. The fluid can be obtained from coconut water, mineral water, and more. There is truth in that water, either. coconut water or mineral water, can prevent the formation of kidney stones. Only, coconut water can not cure kidney stones.

It would be wise if we can learn more, because all benefits and fallacy above could be right or wrong. So, lets wait the latest research.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Natural Laxatives For Constipation Remedies

Do you know that we can make natural laxatives for constipation remedies at home? Its need a little effort to make it, of course its not easy like if we use laxatives that we usually buy. But it could be more safer, because nowadays many experts recommended all medicines using natural ingredients. 

These natural laxatives will not get rid of constipation like magic, after consume then it will disappeared just like that. Just another alternative for constipation remedies that we can do as the first aid. First, we should know what causes constipation.

Many factors can cause constipation. Less fiber diet, drink, exercise, and dependence on laxatives, stroke, and colon problems, can all be causes. Even some types of medicines can also be a factor for the occurrence of constipation such as antacids that contain aluminum and calcium, hypertension medications, antidepressants and iron supplements.

How to make natural laxatives for constipation remedies

Senna alata
First natural laxatives potion from Senna alata
Senna alata that also known as a Candelabra Bush, Empress Candle Plant, Ringworm Tree or "candletree" contains tannin and has properties as a laxative. In addition, the plant is also spicy, warm, insecticidal, anthelmintic, cure skin disorders caused by skin parasites. Pharmacological effects mainly derived from the leaves. (You can found this plant at wikipedia)

How to make:
Boiled 7 pieces of young and fresh Senna alata with two cups of water until the remaining one cup. Remove, strain, and drink.

Second natural laxatives using aloe vera
Aloe vera gel
Besides having benefits for hair and treat wounds, aloe vera also acts as a laxative. But, the strong laxative content in aloe vera that called anthraquinone, sometimes may cause diarrhea and intestinal cramps. That is why, should be used with caution. It is better to consult with a qualified herbalist.

How to make:
Wash half shaft of aloe vera thoroughly, then discard the skin and chopped, brewed with half a cup of hot water. Add one tablespoon of honey, consume twice a day while warm.
Warning: This lavative potion is not intended for pregnant women, menstruation, and diarrhea.

Great morinda
Third natural laxatives using great morinda
Great morinda (also known as Indian mulberry, nunaakai (Tamil Nadu, India), dog dumpling (Barbados), mengkudu (Indonesia and Malaysia), apatot (Philippines), kumudu (Bali), pace (Java), beach mulberry, cheese fruit)contains triterpenoid alkaloids. In addition, it also contains morindon which is red dye and efficacious as a laxative.

How to make:
Shredded two ripe great morinda that washed thoroughly and add a little salt. Stir well until blended, then squeezed. Drink twice a day.

Simple tips how to prevent constipation

We know that there are so many medicines that we can buy to get rid of constipation, but the best way is prevent it. So, below we got a little tips how to prevent constipation.
  • Consuming foods rich in fiber. Fiber is an essential element for a healthy digestive system. Fiber helps stool to more easily pass through the intestines. Eating foods rich in fiber every day on a regular basis will help increase the overall health condition. Food sources rich in fiber include fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds.

  • Exercise regularly. The results showed that regular exercise can prevent constipation. Exercise for thirty minutes every day or 3-5 times a week can help the digestive system work more effectively and helps prevent constipation.

  • Drinking enough water. Most people who suffer from constipation are dehydrated. Water is very important in moving garbage or feces in the colon. Drink at least 8 glasses of water every day to prevent constipation. Water can help make stools softer so it will not cause pain in both the gut and when it came out.

  • Limit the consumption of foods and medications that can cause constipation. There are some foods that can cause constipation, for example, bread made from white wheat or dairy products, meat, eggs, cheese and processed foods. Similarly, drugs such as antacids can also cause constipation. Therefore, limit your consumption of those foods and drugs.

  • Eat a small meals but often. Eating large meals at once can cause constipation. Therefore, it is recommended to eat small meals but often. Eat small meals 5-6 times can prevent constipation.

  • Avoid drinks that can lead to dehydration. Some drinks can cause dehydration such as soft drinks, coffee, and tea. Also avoid drinking alcohol too much, because it has effects that can lead to dehydration in the body. If the body is dehydrated the water present in the feces to be reabsorbed by the body, causing the stool becomes hard and lead to constipation.

  • Do not delay to defecate. Sometimes many are choosing to put off going to the bathroom when the urge bowel appear for various reasons. Delaying a bowel movement when the urge arise it can cause constipation.

I also experienced constipation before, and I eat bananas to overcome. As a note, I eat it before the meal, and the results were pretty successful. Maybe you should try it to treat constipation.

Health Fame Home Remedies, Tips

Unusual Natural Sore Throat Remedies At Home

Sore throat is a disease that can attack anyone, especially for those who doesn't in good condition or in bad immune system. If you get the disease, it could be an early indication of the flu (cough and cold), which begins with fever and pain in the throat, even to eat and drink, causing sore throat swallowing disorders and loss of appetite and drinking. But don't be worry, there are several sore throat remedies that we can do at home using natural ingredients from our kitchen. 

A sore throat caused by a bacterium or virus, that irritate the mucus membranes in the throat, in this case could be caused by dust, weather changes, smoke, toothpaste or infection of the gums, chronic cough, often shouting in the long term, and other diseases factors. A sore throat can also indicate someone is having an inflammatory disease of tonsils or swollen glands.

Sore throat remedies using natural ingredients

The most popular natural remedies to get rid of sore throat such as gargling with salt in warm water and drink warm ginger beverages. But now, we will give you unusual treatment that might be you never heard about it before.

First herbal potion
- 4 cinnamon sticks
- 8 shells Buah Mahkota Dewa (you can search at en.wikipedia)
- Lemon
- Ginger
- 400 cc of water.
How to make potions:
Boil all the ingredients that you have prepared. After a cold or warm, take the water and pour it in a glass. Add juice of 1/2 - 1 orange juice in a glass. To add a delicious taste add sugar.

Second herbal potion
- Fresh bilimbi flower. ( bilimbi aka averrhoa bilimbi, cucumber tree, or tree sorrel)
- 1 handful of fennel fruit taste.
- A quarter cup of water.
- Sugar cubes to taste.
How to mix and use: crushed by then drink 2 times at morning and afternoon, 2 tbsp each drink.

We believe, it's very hard to get some of ingredients above, so below you can try another simple and easy sore throat remedies that generally use by people all around the world.

Chicken soup
Apparently chicken soup acts as an anti inflammatory and prevents the virus enters the body. Add carrots, celery, turnips, sweet potatoes and garlic in chicken soup to add to usefulness.

Drinking lemon juice without sugar
Combine 2 tablespoons lemon juice (from 1/2 lemon) into a glass of warm water. Do not add sugar. Drink 2-3 times a day on an empty stomach in the state (about 30-60 minutes before meals).

Lemon juice with honey
A mixture of lemon and honey will soothe your sore throat well. These drinks can cool the throat and relieve pain while swallowing.

Get lozenges
Lozenges will stimulate the production of saliva, which can keep your throat moist. Lozenges different with candies that we usually found. Lozenges have antibacterial ingredients and more importantly to reduce throat pain.

Honey Ginger Tea or Tea
Honey ginger tea or tea can be a widely used to overcome a scratchy throat. Honey coats the throat and serves to prevent irritation.

The protein contained in eggs will help deal with the inflammation and pain in the throat. Make an omelette, and remember not to add any seasoning to it. However, you should only use egg whites only.

Oatmel rich in fiber will help in lowering the levels of bad cholesterol in the body. The food is a mainstay for people in the diet has a protein content that is useful to recover the body. Add bananas or honey in a bowl of oatmeal.

Boiled carrots
Carrots can cure your sore throat with nutrients in it, but they should be steamed or boiled first. Raw carrots will only aggravate a sore throat because the texture is not soft. In addition, carrots are also full of nutrients, such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, fiber and potassium.

Common sage
Common sage or garden sage in latin name called Salivia officinalis has been used as a medicinal herb since ancient sore throat. Sage rich in oxygen content, flavonoids and phenolic acids can be added in a cup of hot tea.

From various sore throat remedies above, some works but sometimes does not work, it depends on your sore throat condition. If your sore throat is not well soon, you should go to the doctor to get intensive check. The best step is prevent it by improving your immune system with vitamin C consumption, take enough exercise, balanced nutrition and avoid eating too much foods and beverages that can trigger sore throat such as spicy foods, dairy products, alcohol, caffeine and so on.

Health Fame Home Remedies, Tips
Saturday, March 23, 2013

Vitamin D Deficiency Can Cause Several Dangerous Disease

Vitamin D has the function to form the structure of bones and strong teeth also increases the absorption of calcium in the digestive tract. According to the latest research, vitamin D deficiency can cause several dangerous diseases such as osteoporosis, osteopenia, diabetes, hypertension, and other cardiovascular disease, breast cancer, endometrial cancer and so on.

Vitamin D deficiency signs and symptoms

Vitamin D deficiency symptoms that often found are bone and muscle problems. The other symptoms such as fatigue, periodontal disease, crooked leg, diabetes type I, tuberculosis, chronic pain in muscles, joints and bones, decreased calcium levels and high blood pressure. Vitamin D deficiency is known to cause several bone diseases including:
  • Rickets, a childhood disease characterized by impeded growth, and deformity, of the long bones. The earliest sign of subclinical vitamin D deficiency is Craniotabes, abnormal softening or thinning of the skull.
  • Osteomalacia, a bone-thinning disorder that occurs exclusively in adults and is characterized by proximal muscle weakness and bone fragility.
  • Osteoporosis, a condition characterized by reduced bone mineral density and increased bone fragility.
  • Muscle aches and weakness (in particular proximal limb girdle)
  • Muscle twitching (Fasciculations)

Are you vitamin D deficient?

Normal vitamin D level in children 1 year to 70 years adults is 15 mcg both male or female. You can check your vitamin D levels by blood test or consult the doctor, and below are RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance) for vitamin D based from

Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for Vitamin D
Set by the Institute of Medicine
Life Stage  Age  Males
mcg/day (IU/day)
mcg/day (IU/day)
Infants  0-6 months  10 mcg (400 IU) (AI)  10 mcg (400 IU) (AI) 
Infants  6-12 months  10 mcg (400 IU) (AI)  10 mcg (400 IU) (AI) 
Children  1-3 years  15 mcg (600 IU)  15 mcg (600 IU) 
Children 4-8 years  15 mcg (600 IU)  15 mcg (600 IU) 
Children  9-13 years  15 mcg (600 IU)  15 mcg (600 IU) 
Adolescents  14-18 years  15 mcg (600 IU)  15 mcg (600 IU) 
Adults  19-50 years  15 mcg (600 IU)  15 mcg (600 IU) 
Adults  51-70 years 15 mcg (600 IU)  15 mcg (600 IU) 
Adults 71 years and older 20 mcg (800 IU)  20 mcg (800 IU) 
Pregnancy  all ages  15 mcg (600 IU) 
Breast-feeding  all ages  15 mcg (600 IU) 

How to Overcome and prevent vitamin D deficiency

In foods, natural sources of vitamin D are liver and fish oil. Eggs contain small amounts of vitamin D, as well as some foods such as cereals, fresh fruit juice and yogurt are fortified with vitamin D. But,it is difficult to meet the need of vitamin D from food alone, therefore we need sun exposure to meet the daily requirement of vitamin D. Sunlight provides 90 percent of vitamin D is needed by the body. When the heat and ultraviolet light touches the skin, the production of vitamin D is activated.

The best time to get exposure to the sun is morning between 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 for approximately 15 minutes. Do not be too long and not more than 08.00 a.m. Exposure to the sun before noon containing ultraviolet A and B rays can damage the skin causing the skin membrane of red and burn and damage mechanisms of cell regeneration.

It is suggested in bare chests condition and in turned position of sun exposure to avoid the risk of lens and retina damage. The location does not have to be in open air, inside room with the glass that can be pierced by sunlight are eligible.

Know more about the danger of vitamin D overdose.
Friday, March 22, 2013

Home Remedies For Heartburn

There are several medicines to cure heartburn, but maybe you wanna try home remedies for heartburn. First of all, you have to know what heartburn is, then you will know what type of medication that you will take. 

Heartburn is an uncomfortable condition that appears around the solar plexus and spread up into the esophagus, it feels like a burn. Heartburn is usually due to lifestyle and consumption of unhealthy foods. Changing habits and do natural treatment at home is also able to prevent heartburn.

Causes of heartburn

Several foods that can cause heartburn such as spicy foods. But apparently, in addition to spicy foods there are also several other causes of heartburn such as smoking, certain drugs, fish oil supplement, peppermint, genetics, stress and overweight.

Several tips and home remedies for heartburn

Consume apples regularly
Easiest and most effective way to neutralize the acid in the stomach by eating apples. You can also make apple honey from apple you've peeled and sliced​​. Boil the apples with a little water for 3-4 hours. Prevent brown apple, place the apples in the fridge, and enjoy the time you want. Besides apples, honey and cinnamon can also be used as an effective drug.

Avoid smoking
Avoid any kind of nicotine as cigarettes, if you often feel heartburn and stomach acid. Nicotine is able to irritate the valve between the stomach and the esophagus, causing heartburn. Nicotine also weaken a person's nervous system, which in turn causes dysfunction of the lining of the stomach and intestinal mucus.

Give spice in your food
The Indian community trust, various traditional herbs can help prevent stomach acid and other digestive disorders. Spices such as cinnamon, cardamom and ginger, which contains essential oils able to withstand pain of heartburn.

Essential Oils believed to improve the flow of gastric juices in the stomach. Besides these spices possess carminative and anti-spasmodic that relieves heartburn associated with flatulence.

Drinks right
To avoid heartburn, it's important to avoid drinks which contain soda, alcohol and caffeine. The study mentions that the oil contained in caffeine plays a crucial role when heartburn occurs. In addition, consumption of alcohol makes the condition worse because it increases stomach acid.

Watch your posture after meals
The study said there is a correlation between posture and acidity, especially before bed. If heartburn often occurs at night or while sleeping, take proper body position. Put your head slightly elevated when you sleep. Give extra spring or box to get the right height. Give within 1-2 hours after eating to go to sleep.

Stress and acid
Have you ever felt heartburn while implementing the test? It may come from stress and activity triggers for acid stretch. Sters causes inhibition of the vagus nerve leading to the formation of hydrochloric acid (stomach acid).

Health Fame Tips
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Passion Fruit Nutrition & Health Benefits

Passion fruit nutrition has health benefits to kill cancer cells, its also efficacious as a pain reliever, anti-seizure, colitis, sedative, and anti-inflammatory. Disorders such as constipation, diarrhea, insomnia, menstrual disorders, cough, hoarseness, sore throat can also be driven with this fruit. Passion fruit pulp is used to relax the nerves as headaches, relieve diarrhea, and neurastenia (chronic fatigue, weakness, no appetite, can not concentrate, and insomnia).

Another phytochemical content in the passion fruit is harman, harmol, harmalin, passaflorine, harmine, carotenoids, viteksin, krisin, and isoviteksin. While the nutritional content such as: energy, fat, protein, fiber, minerals, calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, ascorbic acid, and the citric acid. The benefits of passion fruit to cure chronic allergy symptoms. Also the recovery of the patient liver and kidney, as well as triggering immune enhancement and strength of antibodies in the blood. 

In fact, passion is also able to filter, separate, and remove toxins from the body. Besides, it can improve the freshness of the skin and stimulates the growth of young cells in the skin.

Passion fruit nutrition facts

Passion fruit (granadilla, purple, raw) nutritional value data taken from USDA Nutrient database
Water : 72.93 g
Energy : 97 Kcal
Carbohydrates : 23.38 g
Protein : 2.20 g
Total Fat : 0.70 g
Cholesterol : 0 mg
Dietary Fiber 10.40 g
Sugars, total : 11.20 g

  • Folates : 14 µg
  • Niacin : 1.500 mg
  • Riboflavin : 0.130 mg
  • Vitamin A : 1272 IU
  • Vitamin B6 : 0.100 mg
  • Vitamin C : 30 mg
  • Vitamin E : 0.02 mg
  • Vitamin K : 0.7 mg

  • Calcium : 12 mg
  • Iron : 1.60 mg
  • Magnesium : 29 mg
  • Phosphorus : 68 mg
  • Potassium : 348 mg
  • Sodium : 28 mg
  • Zinc : 0.10 µg
  • Saturated fatty acids : 0.059 g
  • Monounsaturated fatty acids : 0.086 g
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids : 0.411 g

Passion fruit health benefits

Passion fruit is a good source of nutrition
Like what we can read at passion fruit nutrition facts table above, passion fruit is a good source of vitamin C, one serving of 100 g containing 30 mg of vitamin C. Vitamin C improves the immune system and is an antioxidant. A 100 g portion of the passion fruit contains 1275 IU of vitamin A. 

Vitamin A to improve the quality of vision and helps to fight infection, making the skin glow and helps the growth of healthy cells. Passion fruit is also a source of potassium (348 mg in 100 g). These minerals have a salubrious effect on the human heart and help the heart function, blood flow and pressure in the body. In addition to potassium, passion fruit also contains iron, magnesium and calcium.

Passion fruit has a relaxation effect and good for insomnia
Drink a glass of cold passion fruit juice can help your nerves and relax your mind and make the feelings became calmer. Passion fruit is often used as a remedy for digestive problems and gastric diseases. 

Passion fruit has a soporific effect on the human nervous system that makes sense of calm and helps you to relax your pirikan. This is especially help people with insomnia or those who can not sleep well. A glass of passion fruit juice before bed can make you sleep well.

Passion fruit rich in antioxidant
The colors of the purple passion fruit skin and flesh color, orange, indicating that the passion fruit is rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants served to inhibit the growth of cancer cells in the body. Passion fruit has a water and fat-soluble antioxidants. One of the main antioxidants found in passion fruit is beta-carotene.

Passion fruit is rich in fiber
Passion fruit has a high fiber content. It is very beneficial for digestive health, digestive tract and bowel be clean. You can chose the passion fruit as a source of fiber. Seeds of the passion fruit can be eaten as they contain fiber. Passion fruit can also be used as a mild laxative.

Passion fruit is very good for a diet program
For people who are undergoing a diet, fruits are compulsory consumed, and passion fruit are very good to eat. This is because of the passion fruit has low calories, only 97 calories per 100g. Passion fruit is also low in sodium and fat. Passion fruit also contains carbohydrates and natural sugars in good quantities. Fruit Nutrition is working to reduce levels of cholesterol in the body. High fiber content of the fruit to fill you up, so you do not want to eat another meal.

Orange Nutrition & Health Benefits As Source Of Vitamin C

Behind the fresh taste, orange nutrition apparently has many health benefits for our bodies. The highest nutrient content in oranges is vitamin C, meanwhile calories in orange every 100 gr is only 45 calories. So it can be said that oranges is low calories fruit.

Oranges are easy to find, its also the most popular vitamin C source. But you must know that orange has more nutrition such as vitamin A, B1, E and K. Oranges rich in minerals such as phosphorus, calcium, potassium, and iron. There are so many other chemicals that contain in this fruit such as phytochemical substances that function as an anti-oxidant.

Orange nutrition facts

Oranges (All varieties, raw) Nutritional value per 100 g.
Source: USDA National Nutrient data base 

Energy : 47 Kcal 
 Carbohydrates : 11.75 g 
 Protein : 0.94 g 
 Total Fat : 0.12 g 
 Dietary Fiber : 2.4 g 
 Water : 86.75 g 
 Total sugar : 9.35 g 

 Folates : 30 µg 
 Niacin : 0.282 mg 
 Riboflavin : 0.040 mg 
 Thiamin : 0.087 mg 
 Vitamin A : 225 IU 
 Pyridoxine : 0.060 mg 
 Vitamin C : 53.2 mg 
 Vitamin D : 0 IU 
 Vitamin E : 0.18 mg 
 Vitamin K : 0 µg 

 Calcium : 40 mg 
 Iron : 0.10 mg 
 Magnesium : 10 mg 
 Phosphorus : 14 mg 
 Zinc : 0.07 mg 
 Sodium : 0 mg 
 Potassium : 181 mg 

 Saturated fatty acids : 0.015 g 
 Monounsaturated fatty acids : 0.023 g 
 Polyunsaturated fatty acids : 0.025 g 
 Cholesterol : 0

Orange Health Benefits

The content of vitamin C in oranges beneficial in reducing the risk of colon cancer hali attack is because orange can help repel free radicals that can cause DNA damage. Vitamin C also has a function as the immune system, for example, to ward off the flu and prevent infection in the ear.

The content of antioxidants in orange work effectively protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals caused. These free radicals cause aging of the skin. The content of Vitamin B6 in oranges act to support the production of hemoglobin. Magnesium can keep your blood pressure remains in the normal condition.

The fiber in orange that contain natural fruit sugars, fructose may help maintain blood sugar levels stable. Oranges is very good consumed by diabetics and prevent the onset of diabetes to those who have the disease. And below you can read orange health benefits completely.

Source of vitamin C
The most popular source of vitamin C is orange, even there are still some fruits that higher content. Like orange nutrition facts table above, in every 100g contain 53.2 mg which means about 90% of RDA. Vitamin C is beneficial to reduce the risk of colon cancer because it can help repel free radicals that cause damage to DNA.

Preventing cancer
Oranges is believed to help fight cancer. An Australian study found that orange could reduce the risk of stomach cancer, oral and laryngeal cancer by 40 to 50 percent. Oranges are a potent source of vitamin C, an antioxidant that is associated with a reduced risk of colon cancer and other cancers.

Increasing the body's metabolism and is good for diet
Eating 1 orange a day for 12 week then your body will drop about 6 pounds, eat orange before meals. Christine Gerbstadt MD, author of Doctor's Detox Diet, said, compounds in oranges helps burn fat and stabilize blood sugar and insulin levels of the body.

Improving immunity
High concentrations of vitamin C found in orange are believed to help boost the immune system, making it difficult illness that will go into the body. Consumption of citrus fruits on a regular basis is a great way to help prevent the arrival of flu.

Preventing Diabetes
Oranges can cure diabetes because it can stabilize blood sugar, sugar in orange good at maintaining blood sugar levels remain normal.

Prevent cell damage from free radicals
Oranges contain high vitamin C, its one of the secondary antioxidants are beneficial for preventing cells damage caused by free radicals in the body. Vitamin C is known for its ability to boost the immune system. Vitamin C is also recognized to maintain eye health (reduces risk of cataracts). In addition, the antioxidants in oranges to prevent oxidative stress the body and can help prevent heart disease and premature aging by neutralizing free radicals.

Maintaining a healthy digestive system
Oranges offer a fiber that can help support a healthy digestive system and can help the process of weight loss by balancing the body's metabolism. Fiber also helps lower cholesterol levels.

Lowering blood pressure and preventing osteoporosis
Orange is a good source of potassium, it helps lower blood pressure and support overall heart health. Potassium also plays an important role in maintaining bone density. Potassium deficiency-related bone diseases such as osteoporosis.

As an anti-inflammatory
Studies show that orange may act as an anti-inflammatory because it contains a chemical called hesperidin. A study has found that hesperidin can reduce inflammation. Chronic inflammation may contribute to heart disease, cancer, arthritis, and other conditions.

Pomegranate Nutrition & 10 Health Benefits

There are a lot of pomegranate nutrition that we should know, because it has many health benefits for us. According to some research, there are health benefits of pomegranate juice such as improve immunity, keep healthy skin, lowering cholesterol, prevent heart attack and more.

One pomegranate provides 40 percent of your daily vitamin C requirement. Pomegranates also contain folate, fiber, potassium, niacin, vitamin A and E. Anthocyanidins in the pomegranate has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which lower cholesterol and blood pressure, protect teeth, prevent osteoarthritis, Alzheimer's disease, breast cancer, leukemia, lung cancer and prostate cancer.

Pomegranate nutrition facts

Calories in pomegranate every 100 gr is 83 calories, in the same size pomegranate has no cholesterol content at all. Pomegranates are rich in antioxidant polyphenols, such as tannins and anthocyanins. Medical research has shown that people who consumed pomegranate juice every day can feel a variety of benefits, which decreased cholesterol levels, obtain more vitamin C, and increases blood flow to the heart. This means that pomegranate juice is also effective to keep the heart to stay healthy and reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Fresh pomegranate nutrition value per 100 g.
(Source: USDA National Nutrient data base)
Principle Nutrient Value Percentage of RDA
Energy 83 Kcal 4%
Carbohydrates 18.70 g 14%
Protein 1.67 g 3%
Total Fat 1.17 g 6%
Cholesterol 0 mg 0%
Dietary Fiber 4 g 11%
Folates 38 µg 9.5%
Niacin 0.293 mg 2%
Pantothenic acid 0.135 mg 3%
Pyridoxine 0.075 mg 6%
Riboflavin 0.053 mg 4%
Thiamin 0.067 mg 5.5%
Vitamin A 0 IU 0%
Vitamin C 10.2 mg 17%
Vitamin E 0.60 mg 4%
Vitamin K 16.4 µg  14%
Sodium 3 mg 0%
Potassium 236 mg 5%
Calcium 10 mg 1%
Copper 18% 0.158 mg
Iron 0.30 mg 4%
Magnesium 12 mg 3%
Manganese 0.119 mg 5%
Phosphorus 36 mg 5%
Selenium 0.5 µg 1%
Zinc 0.35 mg 3%
Carotene-ß 0 µg --
Crypto-xanthin-ß 0 µg --

Pomegranate health benefits

1. Protect the heart
A study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that pomegranate juice to fight hardening of the arteries and related diseases such as heart attack and stroke. Pomegranates prevent the buildup of plaque in the arteries and can shed the previous plaque buildup.

2. Lowering bad cholesterol
Pomegranates can reduce levels of bad cholesterol or low density lipoprotein (LDL), which should be avoided. Pomegranate can also menungkatkan levels of HDL or good cholesterol in the body.

3. Against cancer
Pomegranate fruit intake may also help fight many types of cancer including breast, lung and prostate cancer. Pomegranate also reduces the risk of cancer.

4. Lowering blood pressure
Pomegranate fruit is best eaten to keep your heart healthy. Pomegranate can lower blood pressure levels and give health to your heart.

5. Regulate the metabolic syndrome
Eating pomegranates can make your body properly regulate sugar levels, improve insulin sensitivity, reduce inflammation, and other issues related to the metabolic syndrome. This was evident in the study in the journal Food and Function.

6. Anti aging
Pomegranate contains antioxidants that can fight free radicals. So eat pomegranates regularly can slow aging.

7. Renal protective
A recent study reported in the journal Renal Failure proven that pomegranate extract to be effective renal protection from damage and harmful toxins.

8. Protect your baby's brain
A study published in Pediatric Research found that drinking pomegranate juice during pregnancy helps protect the newborn brain after a traumatic birth.

9. Immune system improvement
Both fruit and pomegranate juice has vitamins and nutrients that can improve the body's immune system. So eating pomegranate will make your immune system increases.

10. Anti-allergy
There are polyphenol compounds in pomegranates that have properties to reduce the biochemical processes associated with allergic symptoms.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Health Benefits of Spinach (Popeye Magic Food) & Nutrition Facts

Did you remember Popeye cartoon movie? It's told us how spinach turns him become so strong. In real world, spinach nutrition also has so many health benefits even not like in Popeye cartoon. The highest spinach nutrition is vitamin K that reach 482.9 µg in every 100gr servings, it means 402% of our RDA.

Another spinach nutrient content such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, and iron. Spinach is also believed to cure diseases such as bronchitis, anemia and fever, vaginal discharge, liver disorders and respiratory disorders and peptic ulcers. In fact, a recent study proved that spinach is able to repair and maintain memory. In addition to several spinach health benefits above, there are still many more that we will discuss below. 

Spinach nutrition facts

Spinach is rich in minerals such as beta carotene and beta Cryptoxanthin. Its also rich in electrolytes compound such as sodium and potassium. For more information you can read it at table below.

Spinach nutritional value per 100 g.
(Source: USDA National Nutrient data base) 
Energy : 23 Kcal 
Carbohydrates : 3.63 g 
 Protein : 2.86 g 
 Total Fat : 0.39 g 
 Dietary Fiber : 2.2 g 
 Water : 91.40 g 
 Total sugar : 0.42 g 

 Folates : 194 µg 
 Niacin : 0.724 mg 
 Riboflavin : 0.189 mg 
 Thiamin : 0.078 mg 
 Vitamin A : 9377 IU 
 Pyridoxine : 0.195 mg 
 Vitamin C : 28.1 mg 
 Vitamin D : 0 IU 
 Vitamin E : 2.03 mg 
 Vitamin K : 482.9 µg 

 Calcium : 99 mg 
 Iron : 2.71 mg 
 Magnesium : 79 mg 
 Phosphorus : 49 mg 
 Zinc : 0.53 mg 
 Sodium : 79 mg 
 Potassium : 0.53 mg 

 Saturated fatty acids : 0.063 g 
 Monounsaturated fatty acids : 0.010 g 
 Polyunsaturated fatty acids : 0.165 g 
 Cholesterol : 0

13 Health benefits of spinach

1. Antioxidants
High content of Vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene, manganese, zinc, and selenium in spinach, serve as powerful antioxidants that fight osteoporosis, atherosclerosis, and high blood pressure.

2. Anti-Inflammatory
Spinach contains lots of neoxanthin and violaxanthin (two anti-inflammatory epoxyxanthophylls) which plays an important role in the regulation of inflammation.

3. Immunity
One cup of spinach contains more than 337 percent of the RDA of vitamin A, which not only protects and strengthens "entry points" into the human body, such as mucous membranes, respiratory tract, urinary tract and bowel, but is also a key component of lymphocyte or blood cell infection-fighting white.

4. Anti cancer
Flavonoids, a phytonutrient with anti-cancer properties, abundant in spinach. Flavonoids have been shown to slow down cell division in human stomach and skin cancer cells. In addition, spinach is also able to provide significant protection against the occurrence of aggressive prostate cancer.

5. Good for diet
20 percent of the spinach contained substances required in the RDA of dietary fiber. As we know, good dietary fiber to aid digestion, prevents constipation, maintains low blood sugar, and overeating.

6. Blood pressure
Angiotensin  content inhibit I-converting enzyme, and peptides in spinach proven effective in lowering blood pressure.

7. Improve brain function
Much vitamin K in spinach, make a major contribution towards a healthy nervous system and brain function for the synthesis of sphingolipids (essential fats that form the myelin sheath around the nerves).

8. Good for growth and menstruation
Iron is a mineral found in spinach is very good for menstruating women and growing children and adolescents. Compared with red meat, spinach contains more calories as low-fat and cholesterol free.

9. Good for digestion
Digestive health can be maintained by eating more spinach. Beta-carotene and vitamin C in spinach serve to protect intestinal cells from the harmful effects of free radicals. Also, DNA damage and mutations in colon cells could be prevented by folate found in green vegetables.

10. Strengthen bones
One cup of boiled spinach contains more than 1000 percent RDA of vitamin K that can prevent excess activation of osteoclasts (cells that break down bone). And formed a synthesis of osteocalcin, a protein that is essential for maintaining the strength and density of our bones.

11. Preventing the calcification process
Vitamin K is an essential component of the process called carboxylation resulting matrix Gla protein that directly prevents calcium from the limestone formation in the network. Eating one cup of spinach contributes to this process against atherosclerosis, heart disease, and stroke.

12. Skin care
A high amount of vitamin A in spinach also makes the skin healthy and allow proper moisture retention in the epidermis, thus fighting psoriasis, keratinization, acne, and even wrinkles.

13. Prevent cataracts
Two antioxidants, namely lutein and zeaxanthin, which are only present in spinach can protect the eyes from cataracts and age-related macular degeneration.

Serving and storage

In addition to health benefits of spinach above, there are some points that we should pay attention about spinach serving and storage. Spinach contains iron in the form of Fe2 + (ferrous), if spinach too long to interact with O2 (Oxygen), the content of Fe 2 + in the spinach will be oxidized become Fe 3 + (ferric). Although both are the same iron compound, which is beneficial to humans is ferrous, ferric another case with a toxic. So, never to heat the spinach that has been cooked in the form of food.

It is recommended to consume spinach shortly after cooking, avoid eating spinach that has more than 5 hours on the dining table. Because in addition contains ferric, spinach may also contain substances nitrate (NO3), which when oxidized by air will also be NO2 (nitrite) compounds that are colorless, odorless and poisonous.

In the process of storage in the refrigerator must also be considered, because the longer spinach stored in the refrigerator, nitrite compound levels will continue to rise.